
Although you might find some unpolished details, these development installations should work without problems. If you find any, please open an issue in the issue tracker.

1. Installation from PyPI

You can install systemID from PyPI using pip:

pip install systemID


pip3 install systemID

The PyPI webpage for systemID can be found here.


It is recommended that you never ever use sudo with distutils, pip, setuptools and friends in Linux because you might seriously break your system. Use virtual environments instead.

For upgrading to the latest version:

pip install systemID --upgrade


pip3 install systemID --upgrade

2. Installation from Conda

The easiest and fastest way to get the package up and running with conda is to install systemID as:

conda install -c conda-forge systemID=0.0.10


We encourage users to use conda or mamba and the conda-forge packages for convenience, especially when developing on Windows. Also, it is strongly recommended to create a new virtual environment.